Tuesday, 23 September 2008

The Gift

The closing date has passed. It's official. I'm in Total-e-bound's Christmas Spirits Anthology.

My novella is one of those for the Spirit of Christmas Past.

It's called The Gift and it's due to be released on 8th December as a e-book, and hopefully as a print book around the same date.

It's a male/male BDSM romance. Since it inludes a spirit, I guess it's also a paranormal story.

Here's the blurb for it:

Just because Charles doesn’t see any point in making a fuss about Christmas, that doesn’t mean he can’t tolerate Nicky’s passion for tinsel and holly. He’s never forbidden his pet from enjoying any of his Christmas traditions and he thinks that’s enough.

Nicky has one ambition – to give his master a perfect Christmas. He’s willing to do anything to make that happen – even if it means taking risks and asking his master for special privileges - even if that means inviting a third man into their bed.

The Spirit of Christmas Past isn’t used to visiting Christmases that involve quite so much nudity, passion or kinky sex. Leading a dominant man like Charles through the Christmases isn’t easy – and keeping his eyes off the frequently naked Nicky is impossible. Still, all the spirit can do is enjoy the show – because his job is to bring lovers together and fade away inconspicuously. That’s the plan. However, if someone suddenly wants to thank him, who is he to say no?

Excerpts etc to follow closer to the release date.

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