Sunday, 19 April 2009

Catching up

I hesitate to say that I'm feeling better and I'll be blogging more regularly from now. Every time I say that, it turns into a lie.

Truth be told, although I am feeling a little bit better, I'm still way behind on pretty much everything. I've got message that I haven't answered properly lingering in my in box from far too long ago, updates I want to make to my website that I haven't even started, etc.

My plans to improve my networking abilities still consist of a to do list. Or more accurately a where I should be list. Face book, good reads, library thing, twitter, my space. I'm guessing I should be back to a stage where I'm regularly updating this blog before I start adding more places to update!

Writing wise. I just sent off another Lust bite length M/m BDSM to TEB. I'm also finishing off a writing project today - the first novella in a new series. So tomorrow I'll be starting new projects.

I should be practical and work on more novella re-writes, but for the sake of my sanity, I'm thinking of tackling a brand new longer work. I haven't written anything over 20k this year, and it's getting to me a bit.

I have a vampire novel I'm itching to start work on, leading to a werewolf novel I'm equally enthusiastic about. I might well start the vampires tomorrow.

I'm also going to start editing the next novel in my Perfect Timing series. So two longer works to get my teeth into in one go - should prove interesting!

That's it for now.

Hopefully I'll be blogging more regularly from now on.

Take care everyone,



Merc said...

Hope you're doing/get better, Kim! New projects are always fun. ;)

I'm way behind on everything as well, but at least I can blame moving. :P

*offers productive catching up cookies* Take care.

Kim Dare said...

Thanks Merc.

I don't have anything to blame apart from a fluey thing I can't shake.

Hope the move went well.

*wanders off eating cookies*

Take care,

Kim Dare