I have a couple of new covers to share.
Handcuffs and Headlocks will be out on the 29th September. Click on the pic to read an excerpt.

Handcuffs and Trouble will be out on 24th November. (No excerpt yet)

And Elliot's War, currently available as part of the Gaymes anthology, will be available as a stand alone e-book from November 1st. You can click on the pic to read an excerpt of that too.

Carrying on the theme of pretty pictures...
First of all, I want to take the chance to thank everyone who's commented on the News letter post and entered the give away.
The main thing people mentioned they'd like added to it, was a short story section.
So, over the last week or so I’ve asked some friends to pick photos for me to use as inspiration points. Each month, I’ll be posting one of those photos and the story I wrote after seeing it.
Some of the stories will catch up with characters from books I’ve already written, others will give you a sneak preview into the lives of those whose books haven’t hit the shelf yet – others will stand entirely alone.
The October Newsletter pic was picked by Jase, who I think a lot of you will know from the Goodreads MM Romance group. He’s an amazing proof reader and the sweetest guy you’ll ever meet – and he also has a knack for finding some really great photos!
Check back on the first of October to see the image he chose and the story I came up with after seeing it :)
Have a great weekend everyone.
Lots of fun stuff coming up! :)
I <3 you!!
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