New cover art came through to me last night, and I'm sooooo pleased with it I'm going to share regardless of what I'm supposed to be posting about today.
The cover art is by Natalie Winters. And here it is....

You First is the first story in my Perfect Timing series, so this cover sets the theme for 12 stories - 6 M/m and 6 M/f - 6 novella and 6 novels. They are all BDSM to one extent or another.
Here's a bit about the series as a whole...
Sometimes you meet the right person at the wrong time. Sometimes it takes an exceptional circumstance to make you realise the time has come. And sometimes you just have to wait to get for what you want. But when the timing is perfect, anything could happen…
And here's a bit about You First in particular. It's one of the novella and it's coming out on April 27th.
All Luke had to do was come after Justin. How difficult could that possibly be?
There was only one thing that stopped sex with Justin being completely perfect for Luke. The timing. That wasn’t so perfect. In fact, the timing really sucked – and not in the fun, fellatio related way.
Justin was five years younger than Luke and relatively inexperienced. Luke had enjoyed more lovers than he could count or remember—he knew he was good at sex. There was no good reason why Justin should outlast him every time they hooked up.
All Luke had to do was come second, set his mind at ease, and everything would be perfect between them. Hell, if he could do that, he might even consider the serious relationship idea Justin seemed so taken with.
How difficult could that possibly be?
Have a great weekend everyone :)
Congrats on new cover, Kim! It's awesome! I'm really looking forward to this story! :D
Awesome new cover, Kim!
LOVE the cover! :D Congrats, Kim!
Thanks guys. I'm sooo pleased with it :)
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