Monday, 11 August 2008

Monday Memo 2

Note to self: Just because I'm not supersticious doesn't mean certain things won't tempt bad luck.

I open umbreallas in doors, I walk under ladders, I keep to the same routine on Friday the 13th, I... well, I don't grow around breaking mirrors on purpose, but I'm sure you get the idea. But I'm generally not all that bothered by doing things that people say bring bad luck.

*scrolls back through the messages to see what I said I was going to talk about last Monday*

The anthology submissions. That's where it gets complicated.

Is it temptating fate to talk about projects that I haven't yet submitted - or better yet - had accepted? Will it bring me and that submission bad luck?

On the wonderful theory that if it is bad luck, I'm probably screwed after mentioning them in last weeks Monday Memo, and I don't have anything else to talk about today, here I go anyway.

I'm entering 2 submissions to different TEB anthologies.

The first is a m/m (with a bit of m/m/m thrown in for good measure) BDSM Christmas story. That's written and mostly edited now. I've put it aside for a few days before I do my final edit, and I still need to write the synopsis, but it should be winging it's way to the call for submissions within the next week or so.

The second is a m/f paranormal BDSM story. That's written after a fashion. I'm pretty sure 2/3 of it needs to be re-written before I can even think about editing it. I'll re-write it this month and edit it next month.

Next weeks memo will be a bit more about those projects in the Perfect Timing Series I'm working on this month.

And yes, if you're wondering, I have given both the stories titles. And yes, I did avoid mentioning them to avoid any bad luck floating around in the either looking for a story to attach itself to. If they're accepted, I'll tell you the tiltes then ;)

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