Monday, 20 October 2008

Memo: My coherant Plan

Monday Memo: There is a coherent plan in the universe, though I don't know what it's a plan for.

I shouldn't have told you I have the whole plan for this year worked out last week. It was an accurate statement at the time of print. That lasted about five minutes after I sent off the blog post.

My publication schedule changed a bit last week. Which means the titles I've had accepted for 2009 will come out more slowly. That means I actually have a bit more time before I need to send the next one in my own series off. That is why I've set The Morning After and All Grown Up aside for a little while.

I'm now throwing myself head first into anthology submissions for the next few weeks.

I started one last Thursday and finished the first draft yesterday. It's called Secret Service. It was a lot of fun to write. Even though the main characters insisted on switching their names around half way through the story. Sheridan wanted to be called Alistair and Alistair wanted to be called Sheridan. In the end I had to let them have their way, just to shut them up. It's a male/male BDSM novella.

I'm starting the next one today. It's called The Stroke of Twelve. It's another male/male BDSM. The characters don't have names yet.

What else do I have to tell you?

Okay, I'm sure this isn't going to be even vaguely exciting news for anyone else, but if you look here you will notice that the coming soon section now runs up to December 1st. My first release, The Gift, is due out on December 8th. That means either next week, or the week after if I'm the third title for that particular Monday, I'll have something listed in the coming soon section.

You have no idea how much that makes me grin :)

Off to get some work done now.

Happy monday everyone :)

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